Browse Items (5 total) Tags: Butcher Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Invoice/Bill from Frank Whiteman, butcher, dated 7thAugust 1937 to F Brundle. Invoice/Bill from Frank Whiteman, butcher, dated 7thAugust 1937 to F Brundle. Tags: Bill, Brundle, Butcher, Invoice, SVA/2/94, Whiteman Ellis the Butcher 1913 Ellis the Butcher 1913. W163 Tags: 1913, Butcher, Church, Ellis, SVA/2/80, Webb Ellis the Butcher 1913 Ellis the Butcher 1913 - next to the Whie Hart. Tags: Butcher, Church, Ellis, SVA/2/81, Webb Nathaniel Butcher bankrupcy notice 1737 Nathaniel Butcher bankrupcy notice 1737. Nathaniel was a a Clockmaker Tags: 1737, Butcher, Clockmaker, Nathaniel, SVA/2/7 Girling and Ellis Shops Church street with William Girling, Draper, Grocer and Photographer, and Ellis's The Butcher. Girling's shop was in Stradbroke between 1860's and 1907. Tags: Butcher, Church, Draper, Ellis, Girling, grocer, outfitter, Photographer, Street, SVA/2/52 Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Featured Item Fire Brigade Fire Brigade