Browse Items (2 total) Tags: Gissing Sort by: Title Creator Date Added The Cell Book 1902 to 1907 The Cell Book 1902 to 1907. Includes such crimes as 'Drunk in charge of a horse and cart' and 'Larceny of a dead pheasant.' Tags: Alger, Balls, Barber, Bardwell, Calvert, Carter, cell book, Coe, Cook, crime, Cullum, Cunningham, Folkard, Francis, Gissing, Goodwin, Hill, Jachman, Jollly, Jolly, Knowles, Leftley, Loane, Mayhew, Mulley, police, Read, Roberts, Rogers, Rumsby, Rush, Ruth, Salter, Seales, Sheldrake, Short, SVA/11/93, Taylor, Vincent, Whatling, Woods, Wright Gravestone - 70 - 79 Gravestones in All Saints Church churchyard. Tags: Betts, Everson, Garrod, Gissing, grave, Gurling, SVA/12/7 Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Featured Item Arthur Rutter as a young man. Arthur Rutter as a young man.