Browse Items (4 total) Tags: Upcher Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Article written by Revd Roland Upcher dd 1916 Article written by Revd Roland Upcher dd 1916 Tags: 1916, Revd, roland, SVA/12/15, Upcher Photograph to commemorate the formation of The Mid Suffolk Bowls Association 1914 Photograph to commemorate the formation by Canon Abbot Roland Upcher of The Mid Suffolk Bowls Association 1914. Tags: 1914, Association, bowls, Mid-Suffolk, SVA/4/19, Upcher, White Hart Rev. Roland Upcher Rev. Roland Upcher Go into All Saints Church and look on the wall just inside the door to the right and you’ll see a list of all the known vicars who have been rectors of All Saints Church. JC Ryle who did so much to re-furbish the building,… Tags: Canon, Reverend, SVA/12/48, Upcher Transcription taken from The Times Obituary for Canon R A Upcher 1929 Transcription taken from The Times Obituary for Canon R A Upcher 29th October 1929 pg. 10; Issue 45346. Tags: Canon, Newspaper, obituary, SVA/12/50, Times, Upcher Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Featured Item Mid Suffolk Bowls Association group photograph Mid Suffolk Bowls Association group photograph