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The Ward Shop and family - Church Street
The Ward Shop and family - Church Street
Mazawattee' tea shop
Salters, Suffolk House - 'Mazawattee tea shop'
Salters shop later became a book shop run by pastor Glass, a Baptist Minister. It later became a cafe. (MW&UW)
Salters shop later became a book shop run by pastor Glass, a Baptist Minister. It later became a cafe. (MW&UW)
The Ward Family outside their shop in Church Street
The Ward Family outside their shop in Church Street
Castell Carrier to become the Ellis shop
Castell Carrier to become the Ellis shop
William Girling Shop
William Girling's - Draper, Grocer and photography shop.
Queen Street. Barclays Bank and the garage.
Queen Street. Barclays Bank and the garage.
JC Foulsham, Town House 1966
A notice to customers to advise them that they will no longer be selling meat but will instead be selling fish. The notice ends with a poem:
There's no more for Foulshams for pork
Now that's the sad topic for talk
For their sausages prime you…
There's no more for Foulshams for pork
Now that's the sad topic for talk
For their sausages prime you…
The Girling Shop - Draper, Grocer and Photographer.
William Girling is first seen at the shop in Church street in the 1871 census return and the last time he is recorded in the census returns is in 1901. His contribution to Stradbroke has been a wonderful archive of photographs recording life as it…
The Ward Shop
George and Daisy Ward opened up the Grocer and Drapers Ward Shop in 1907 The 1911 census return shows that they had a one year old daughter, Kathleen and George's sister Lucy with them. The census return also shows that Lucy helped out in the shop,
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Hitchcock shop
Hitchcock - the shop that is later to become the Spar or 'Top Shop'. Hitchcock is a grocer, tea dealer, draper and outfitter.