The 1841 Tithe Map of Stradbroke and notes
Notes to the 1841 Tithe Map:-
Tithe Map 1840 - Notes.
The Tithe Map is one of the 3 original copies and has been stored in the Church. The other copies are at the Ipswich Record Office, and The Public Record Office at Kew.
The Tithe Map and The Apportionment of the Tithes was published on the 8th June 1840 for the Parish of Stradbroke,
Tithes from early times were a form of tribute consisting of a tenth of a man's property or produce, and the payment of Tithes are referred to in various Old Testament Texts.
Tithes were given to support the priests in their duties to the general public. However as time went on not all priests wanted to receive produce, and by the early 1800s it had become normal for some priests to receive payment in lieu of produce. This change to a payment of money was made universal by The Tithe Commutation Act of 1836.
The Act substituted a 'Corn Rent' or 'Tithe Rent Charge', in £ s d, which was equivalent to a fixed amount of produce that was determined. The amount of produce was converted into a sum of money using the rates below. Commissioners were appointed to enforce the act.
The Tithe Rent Charge was levied on all the lands that were liable in the parish, and was calculated based on the number of bushels of wheat, barley, and oats that the rent charge could have purchased at the rates which are given below. The amount of bushels used in the calculation was the average production for the preceding 7 years.
In the case of Stradbroke there was a total of 3631Acres, 3 Roods and 12 Perches of land subject to the Rent Charge (a tenth of the parish), and this was split roughly into 2632 Acres of Arable Land, 998 Acres of Meadow or Pasture, and 6 Acres of Glebe Land. The rent charge for this acreage was £1050 - 0s - 0p plus a further five Shillings per acre for The Glebe Land. This made a total of £1051 - 17s - 9p which was payable to the Rev William White who was the vicar at the time.
The calculation of £1050 was based on the following figures: -
Rate per Bushel Amount of Produce (a tenth of Parish's Produce
averaged over the preceding 7 years)
Wheat 7s 0 ¼ p 998.82493 Imperial Bushels
Barley 3s 11 ½ p 1771.6001 Imperial Bushels
Oats 2s 9 p 2550.03029 Imperial Bushels.
The following definitions will be found useful in reading The Apportionment:
Bushel 2219.36 cubic inches of Grain (or 1.284 Cubic Ft.)
Continued on next sheet.
Acre 40 Rods long by 4 Rods wide and was the area that could be ploughed by a yoke of oxen in a day. 1 acre is also 4 roods.
Rood A rood was 40 Square Rods.
Rod, Pole or Perch 16½ feet square, or a linear measure of 16½ feet.
Drift A route used for driving cattle and driftland was a rent paid by tenants to drive their cattle through the Manor to market.
Neathouse also often spelt Nettus was the cowshed called a Neathouse because it was generally kept neat and tidy for the animals.
Pightle also spelt Pightel, Pigtail, or Pingle and was a small piece of arable land.
Stetch also sometimes called a Selion is a cultivated strip in an open field. It was ploughed in such a fashion that the strip became a ridge with furrows on each side to act as drains.
Sprong A narrow strip of land.
Dross Area where waste was deposited or stored.
Tithe Map 1840 - Notes.
The Tithe Map is one of the 3 original copies and has been stored in the Church. The other copies are at the Ipswich Record Office, and The Public Record Office at Kew.
The Tithe Map and The Apportionment of the Tithes was published on the 8th June 1840 for the Parish of Stradbroke,
Tithes from early times were a form of tribute consisting of a tenth of a man's property or produce, and the payment of Tithes are referred to in various Old Testament Texts.
Tithes were given to support the priests in their duties to the general public. However as time went on not all priests wanted to receive produce, and by the early 1800s it had become normal for some priests to receive payment in lieu of produce. This change to a payment of money was made universal by The Tithe Commutation Act of 1836.
The Act substituted a 'Corn Rent' or 'Tithe Rent Charge', in £ s d, which was equivalent to a fixed amount of produce that was determined. The amount of produce was converted into a sum of money using the rates below. Commissioners were appointed to enforce the act.
The Tithe Rent Charge was levied on all the lands that were liable in the parish, and was calculated based on the number of bushels of wheat, barley, and oats that the rent charge could have purchased at the rates which are given below. The amount of bushels used in the calculation was the average production for the preceding 7 years.
In the case of Stradbroke there was a total of 3631Acres, 3 Roods and 12 Perches of land subject to the Rent Charge (a tenth of the parish), and this was split roughly into 2632 Acres of Arable Land, 998 Acres of Meadow or Pasture, and 6 Acres of Glebe Land. The rent charge for this acreage was £1050 - 0s - 0p plus a further five Shillings per acre for The Glebe Land. This made a total of £1051 - 17s - 9p which was payable to the Rev William White who was the vicar at the time.
The calculation of £1050 was based on the following figures: -
Rate per Bushel Amount of Produce (a tenth of Parish's Produce
averaged over the preceding 7 years)
Wheat 7s 0 ¼ p 998.82493 Imperial Bushels
Barley 3s 11 ½ p 1771.6001 Imperial Bushels
Oats 2s 9 p 2550.03029 Imperial Bushels.
The following definitions will be found useful in reading The Apportionment:
Bushel 2219.36 cubic inches of Grain (or 1.284 Cubic Ft.)
Continued on next sheet.
Acre 40 Rods long by 4 Rods wide and was the area that could be ploughed by a yoke of oxen in a day. 1 acre is also 4 roods.
Rood A rood was 40 Square Rods.
Rod, Pole or Perch 16½ feet square, or a linear measure of 16½ feet.
Drift A route used for driving cattle and driftland was a rent paid by tenants to drive their cattle through the Manor to market.
Neathouse also often spelt Nettus was the cowshed called a Neathouse because it was generally kept neat and tidy for the animals.
Pightle also spelt Pightel, Pigtail, or Pingle and was a small piece of arable land.
Stetch also sometimes called a Selion is a cultivated strip in an open field. It was ploughed in such a fashion that the strip became a ridge with furrows on each side to act as drains.
Sprong A narrow strip of land.
Dross Area where waste was deposited or stored.
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SLHG, “The 1841 Tithe Map of Stradbroke and notes,” Stradbroke Village Archive, accessed February 10, 2025, http://www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk/items/show/504.
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