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  • Tags: Draper

Hitchcock - Drapers and Grocer

Hitchcocks c 1950.jpg
Hitchcock - Drapers and Grocer

William Girling Shop

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William Girling's - Draper, Grocer and photography shop.

Girling and Ellis Shops

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Church street with William Girling, Draper, Grocer and Photographer, and Ellis's The Butcher.
Girling's shop was in Stradbroke between 1860's and 1907.

Hitchcock shop

Hitchcock - the shop that is later to become the Spar or 'Top Shop'. Hitchcock is a grocer, tea dealer, draper and outfitter.

The Girling Shop - Draper, Grocer and Photographer.

Girlings shop toward Laxfield Rd.jpg
William Girling is first seen at the shop in Church street in the 1871 census return and the last time he is recorded in the census returns is in 1901. His contribution to Stradbroke has been a wonderful archive of photographs recording life as it…

The Ward Shop

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George and Daisy Ward opened up the Grocer and Drapers Ward Shop in 1907 The 1911 census return shows that they had a one year old daughter, Kathleen and George's sister Lucy with them. The census return also shows that Lucy helped out in the shop,